Actually, a person asked me that why diabetic patients cannot feel a pinch in the body?

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  • Actually, a person asked me that why diabetic patients cannot feel a pinch in the body?
 Actually, a person asked me that why diabetic patients cannot feel a pinch in the body?

What happens is when we have DIABETES,

  • Our high blood sugar damages what we call the microvascular arteries or microvascular blood supplies to the nerves.
  • And the nerves which are most affected are the distal nerves,
  • Like in our feet.
  • And these nerves are damaged.

So, the blood supply gets damaged

So our feet, toes and soles start feeling numb.

We cannot feel anything.

And usually pain is a very protective mechanism.

Suppose we put our knee on any sharp thing, like on a pin, we will immediately jump up,

But with diabetes we cannot feel that.

It can lead to infection of our toes and feet.

Since blood is rich in glucose, in diabetes infection spreads very fast.

So, in the long term, it becomes so bad that we may have to amputate the lower feet.

Feet amputation medically speaking, is #1 reason is diabetes.

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