Why to keep “Bad cholesterol “in low range of “ 50-60”?
Why to keep “Bad cholesterol “in low range of “ 50-60”?
If we keep the” bad cholesterol” low around 50-60, Then the process of deposition of this “so-called bad
cholesterol”( and process of clogging) of the blood tubes become very -very slow And our blood supply to the heart is maintained.
If we know by testing that some clogging of heart arteries is happening, we can do something about it.
Do we have “good Cholesterol” too
Yes we do “ Good Cholesterol” Or “ HDL” Or “ High density Lipoprotein” is good cholesterol.
• We will like to keep HDL- High
• We will like to keep LDL- Low
But while there are medicines to keep “ bad “
There are no medicines yet to increase “ good cholesterol” only exercise / active life can increase it.
So called “good cholesterol” ( High density lipoprotein)( HDL )
In other words good cholesterol can reverse the process of clogging.