CT Angiogram
What is the most important information you want from CT angiogram?
We already have huge information from EKG and ultrasound which can be very comforting, but fact is none of these tests tells us the blood supply of the heart. They tell us about the electrical rhythms. They tell us about the mechanical function of the heart Heart has only three tubes, actually two tubes. One right heart artery is called the Right Coronary Artery and left heart artery is called the Left Coronary Artery. Left Coronary Artery divides into three, so traditionally we say heart has three arteries which supply all the blood to the heart and any cut off from any of the branch will
lead to heart attack. Again, anything can happen in the movies but in real life, things happen very slowly. Heart arteries start getting blocked with some deposition of cholesterol plaques in the wall of the arteries or the tubes and slowly, slowly they become narrower and when the blockage is more than 70%, we start having chest pain. Anytime our heart gets stressed out. Suppose, we walk or run 2 miles every day. So, our heart becomes used to pf that. But, suppose we chose to run 5 miles and we have a blockage of 70%, then we definitely start having chest pain after we have run for 2 miles because then heart cannot compensate any extra effort and it will not be able to meet the increased demands of heart muscle and we start having chest pain or a heart attack.
Most important thing we really want to know is the percentage of blockage. As blockage happens over years from 20 to 30% will take probably three to five years, from 30 to 50% will take probably another three to five years, and then blockage proceeding to 70% will take about 10 to 15 years. Most of us have a very similar lifestyle and same kind of diet, so we can draw a straight line based on what is happening every few years and unless we change, we make some kind of intervention whether by diet, by exercise, by mediations, or by medical technology obviously in consultation with a cardiologist, heart doctor. Then, we can slow down the blockage or even reverse it and most important medication we use for that is the cholesterol lowering medications.