Top Medical bodies in USA has declared 9 factors in order of importance for Heart Health
Factor-1, Cholesterol

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  • Top Medical bodies in USA has declared 9 factors in order of importance for Heart Health
    Factor-1, Cholesterol

Factor-1, Cholesterol

Do we have “good Cholesterol” too Yes we do “ Good Cholesterol” Or “ HDL”Or “ High density Lipoprotein” is good cholesterol.

  • We will like to keep HDL- High
  • We will like to keep LDL- Low

But while there are medicines to keep “ bad.

There are no medicines yet to increase “ good cholesterol” only exercise / active life can increase it.

So called “good cholesterol” (High density lipoprotein)(HDL)

In other words good cholesterol can reverse the process of clogging.

What does “good cholesterol” do

Good cholesterol helps us to dissolve the clogging in our heart arteries
(& other blood tubes too) and keeps the blood flowing in our blood tubes.

Why no body is making medicines on raising “good cholesterol”

Lots of research is going on.
Which ever organization/ lab make medicine to raise “good cholesterol” it will makes billions of dollars ( crores of rupees).

We doctors take “statins” why not “you”
I know in my friendship circle, all physicians take small doses of statins to keep their bad cholesterol (between 50-60) level within the numbers. I mentioned you.

Cholesterol becoming more & more important in our life Cholesterol is very crucial in developing heart issues or heart attack.

Bad Cholesterol (LDL)
What is so called “bad cholesterol”

We also call it “ Low density Lipoproteins ( L.D. L )
We doctors would like to keep total cholesterol around 150
or less and the “bad cholesterol”
Which is also called “LDL cholesterol” or “low-density lipoprotein”.
We physicians would love to see “LDL” number close to
between 50 to 60 “(definitely < 100 ).

What happens when so called “ bad cholesterol “ goes up.

What happens is this “bad cholesterol” when it goes up it starts depositing into our blood tubes which supply blood to heart ,brain & kidneys etc.

And if in heart these arteries become more than 70% blocked,
Which takes anywhere from 10, 20, 30, or 40 years based on our lifestyle. Then we have a very high risk of heart attack.

Please remember the number of blockage “70%” in our heart
If there is “70%” or more blockage in heart arteries.

We may have very high risk of “sudden death”. We may go to sleep & never wake up”.

Why to keep “Bad cholesterol “in low range of “ 50-60”.

If we keep the” bad cholesterol” low around 50-60,
Then the process of deposition of this “so-called bad cholesterol”( and process of clogging) of the blood tubes become very -very slow

And our blood supply to the heart is maintained.
If we know by testing that some clogging of heart arteries is happening, we can do something about it.

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