Factor-9 Irregular Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables (or lack of good nutrition)
Think about it
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that:
Fast food has been associated with increased intake of calories, fat, and sodium.
- During 2015–2018, over one-third of U.S. children and adolescents aged 2–19 years consumed fast food.
- Children and adolescents consumed an average 13.8% of their calories from fast food on any given day. Adolescents aged 12–19 consumed a higher average percentage of daily calories from fast food than did younger children, overall and across all demographics.
Poorer nutrient intake affects over all growth of a child. Lack of milk, fresh juices, vegetables and fruits is a major cause of dietary problems in children today.
There is a huge intake of sugar, total fat, saturated fat, and sodium because of consumption of fast food and this is a major public health concern as it can lead to the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus, dental cavities, coronary heart diseases and obesity in youth.
In addition to the above lifestyle disorders, lack of proper sleep(minimum nine hours), gadget addiction etc have all created health issues at an early age of youngsters.
It is very important that we do take about 5 servings of fruit and vegetables every day.
Please look at the statistics.
- More than 2/3rd of the American, older than 20 years are overweight, that is,
- Their BMI falls between 25 and 30.
- And more than 1/3rd of the Americans are obese that is their BMI of more than 30.
- Even the children and adolescents between the age 2 and 19 are 33% obese or overweight and 70% of the children are obese.