Top Medical bodies in USA has declared 9 factors in order of importance for Heart Health
Factor-3, Psychosocial Stressors

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  • Top Medical bodies in USA has declared 9 factors in order of importance for Heart Health
    Factor-3, Psychosocial Stressors

Factor-3, Psychosocial Stressors

Psychosocial stressors.

In other words, our mental health.

It is very important for our heart.

We may be depressed.

Yes, it is a risk factor.

We may get angry,

Yes, a risk factor for our heart.

We may be anxious.

Yes, it is a very important risk factor for our heart.

We got to deal with our so called psychosocial stressors.

I mean that stresses us out in our social environment.

We have to maintain our mental health.

Best answer is counseling and our Indian population is very resistant to counseling.

They will talk with each other and they will share their anxiety and that helps but that is still not the management.

Psychologists have knowledge and

psychology is a science also

and you should seek counseling in a very confidential manner, discuss your issues,

and they will help you to resolve your personal conflicts and guide you.

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