Do you know about kidney stone, How are they occur?

kidney stones are kidney stones.

I mean these are small pebbles or small stones which happen in our kidneys.

And kidneys are the ones which filter our blood, clean our blood.

Usually, when we are well hydrated and have enough water and as we take food and digest & absorbed in the body.

And there are two ways to get rid of what body does not need,
1. One is through the liver.
2. Second is through the kidney.

We all know kidneys filter all the blood and

  • They eventually make urine.
  • Urine goes into the bladder.
    We pass out urine 3 times, 4 times in a day or depending upon our habits.

To be very honest,

I was in India for the last 10-15 years going back and forth,

  • Spending time with my family
  • While at the same time doing projects in Gurgaon

And I will be honest with you,

I have never seen so many patients with kidney stones.

  • I am a kidney doctor.
  • After my M.D medicine,
  • I did DM in kidney and blood pressure.

And I talked to so many people in my neighborhood in India, everybody seems to have kidney stones.

In my training in NEPHROLOGY,

While everybody comes to us and we obviously are experts in management of kidney stones,

but we really do not see it as a major issue in the US.

So, what is the reason?

Why in India every second or third person seems to have a kidney stone,

  • Young people,
  • Middle aged people,
  • And I am sure old people also.

There is only one reason.

None of us in India take enough water.

To be very honest,

When we drink plenty of water, whatever minerals filtered in the urine are diluted by the water we drink.

  • And if any crystals precipitate in the kidney,
  • They are washed out by the good flow of urine,
  • And we really did fine.

But look at the reality of India,

I almost all the Indians have very poor access to the bathrooms.

When I was in India, trying to find a bathroom/washrooms became a nightmare for me & my visiting family.

And especially when we went to the marriages Mostly,

  • In the gardens,
  • In the tents,

And it becomes a real nightmare for the women in their beautiful sarees to find a private corner to be able to go to the bathroom.

It was really a nightmare and what did we do?

  • Everybody knew this. If you drink a lot of water,
  • Then you have to run to the bathroom, but if you do not drink enough water or if you do not drink water at all,
    then you can go without passing urine for several hours.

Even if we (Doctors) prescribe water pill, we will request to take it in the daytime as water pill which works only for 4-5 hours.

We try not to give water pills at the night-time, because then water pill will force bladder to fill up.

And then you will have to wake up in the night and go to the bathroom,

And it will interfere with your sleep.

So, the contrast is with the U.S.

1.We have excellent washrooms everywhere in our U.S.
2.We have a clinic, even though we are required by law to have two washrooms in our medical clinic.

And we have two medical clinics, so we have like 4 washrooms, 2 in another medical clinic and 2 in one and anybody can use it.

And Every business is required to provide an access to the washroom and bigger the businesses, more washrooms are needed,

Both for men and women separately.

And every gas station has a washroom, and everybody has access to the washroom,

  • Every library,
  • All the public places have excellent washroom for men and women.

Second is the tradition drinking water.

Water is excellent and free anywhere.

If you go to any

  1. McDonald’s,
  2. Burger King,
  3. Taco Bell,

And anywhere you want a glass of water with the ice, they will just give it to you free.

Everywhere you go to drive-thru, you want a glass of water or ice.

It is all free and not only that the drinks are very, very cheap in U.S.

And it is a tradition here to drink a lot of water, or lots of soda, Diet soda zero calories’ drinks are very very popular. It is a tradition.

Everybody/everywhere you will see all the young people carrying a big glass of soft drink in their hands, wherever we go.

And once again drinks are very, very cheap.

And so, we always drink a lot of water/drinks.

And since we have plenty of good, neat and clean washrooms everywhere, we have no issues.

All of us maintain excellent flow of the urine.

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